December every year is celebrated as Armed Forces Flag Day throughout the
country. The Day is named as Armed Forces Flag Day, because on this day a
fund is collected by sale of special flags and stickers. It has now
become an old and honored Annual feature of our National life. Many brave and
gallant heroes from the Army, Navy and Air Force have laid down their lives
while defending the country and they continue to do so and would also do so in
the future. On the Flag Day all three branches of the Indian armed forces, the
Indian Army, the Indian Air Force and the Indian Navy, arrange a variety of
shows, carnivals, dramas and other entertainment programmes to showcase to the
general public the efforts of their personnel to ensure national security.
Throughout the country small flags and car flags in red, deep blue and light
blue colors representing the three Services are distributed in return for
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ചില തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ലേഖനങ്ങൾ
😔 പി എസ് ശ്രീധരൻപിള്ള കേന്ദ്രമന്ത്രി നിതിൻ ഗഡ്കരിക്ക് അയച്ച കത്ത്!! 2019-05-06T03:57:07.000Z
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